Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Contribution of Women in Afghanistan

fawzia koofi के लिए इमेज परिणाम

As a girl, Fawzia Koofi often used to play with dolls with her friends and fly kites with her brother on their rooftop in Badakhshan, Afghanistan. But today her two young daughters — or for that matter any girl in her country — cannot go to the rooftop and play. 

fawzia koofi के लिए इमेज परिणाम“Life is still more restricted for women in Afghanistan than what it was when I was a little girl.” said Koofi, 42, a Parliamentarian and women’s right activist. fawzia koofi के लिए इमेज परिणाम
This despite the country making significant progress with regard to women’s rights since the Taliban regime from 1996 to 2001 when women were not even regarded as human beings, Koofi said. A lot has changed since then and now women constitutionally have the right to participate in political affairs, have education, and go to work. 
“In fact, there is a positive discrimination in our constitution for women that ensures women’s participation in the national level and that is a great step forward, but fears still remain that Taliban might come back and situation will deteriorate again for women,” she told ET over the phone from Kabul. 

Fawzia Koofi MP, Afghanistan - Chatham House 2012.jpg

Women's rights engagement

Koofi has made it a priority to defend women's rights in Afghanistan.
Some of the key women's initiatives that she has championed during her tenure as an MP include: the improvement of women's living conditions in Afghan prisons; the establishment of a commission to combat the issue of violence (especially sexual violence) against children; and the amendment of the shia personal status law.
Koofi also promoted education for women and children by advocating for access to good schools and creating opportunities for non-formal education for her constituents in Badakhshan province. While serving as Deputy Speaker in 2005, Ms. Koofi raised private funding for the construction of girls schools in remote provinces.In 2009, she was selected as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.
In 2014, she visited students who are victims of the Taliban and encourages them to continue their education.

In Everywhere Every women contribute for their nation their earth . we are supporting these kind of women.

Thank you
Lokesh kr. Sharma


Contribution of Women in Afghanistan